Homer Simpson for President 2008
homer simpson
presidential office

Play Online Simpsons Games:

family guy games simpson movie homers beer run ** PLEASE DESCRIBE THIS IMAGE **

Too hard to decide who to vote for in this years Presidential Election? Instead, play some of the best online games featuring your favorite characters from the Simpsons and Family Guy. Don't forget to check back often cause we're on the lookout for more Homer Simpson games. So come back soon for an increasingly larger selection of flash and java games featuring your favorite Simpsons characters.

Vote for Homer Simpson
2008 Presidential Elections

Simpson Beer Run Game
Wrecking Ball Game
Family Guy Game

The Simpsons and Family Guy are registered trademarks of Twentieth Century Fox Film Corporation.
All characters, pictures, and copyrighted material belong to their respective copyright holders.
This website is designed as an homage, tribute, and fansite with an intended purpose solely for satirising the 2008 Presidential Elections.
Any giveaways, gifts, or promotions, are being given by PresidentSimpson.com, PresidentQuagmire.com, or PresidentGriffin.com while supplies last. This Homer Simpson website and its promotions or giveaways are in no way associated with Fox or Fox.com.